Guess That Bike Revealed – Little Racer Edition

In Guess That Bike by AbhiLeave a Comment

Kudos to yrrah, who correctly identified that this little racer was an Itom Sprint – he even got the year of 1972 right! Impressive work.

This bike is actually for sale through Robin’s Classic and Vintage Motorcycles. Robin states:

‘Itom manufactured in Italy from 1948 until 1975 and did not use their own motor in 1973 until they closed the door in 1975. The gear selector was moved to the left side in 1968 and this has a Zanetti engine. The engine manufacture was changed to Morini just before motorcycle production ceased and the company went under. The green was for a 1972 model and the emblem was changed to a transfer (decal) this year. The bikes were built to be in small caliper racing.’

Find this Itom for sale here on Robin’s site (scroll down to the European section) for $3,848 in British Columbia, Canada.