Made in China – 2017 Benelli TNT 300

In Italy, Standard by AbhiLeave a Comment

Benelli has been absent from the US for a while, but thanks to a partnership deal with SSR Motorsport in 2014 they’re starting to come back. McCoy Motorsports in Kentucky has a new TNT 300 for those of you that are looking for something different and aren’t averse to a bike made in China.

Basic specifications include 38 horsepower, 20 pound feet of torque, and a claimed weight of 408 pounds. It seems like the only major US publication that’s reviewed this bike is – click here to check out their review, which concludes with “From the outside and after a few weeks of riding, it really does appear to be, as well as feel like, the nicest made-in-China bike we’ve tested” and “Normally, we’d end by saying the Benelli’s really impressive for a Chinese bike. But in this case, it’s really impressive, period.

This is a brand new bike so there isn’t much of a story to relate. Find this Benelli for sale in Pikeville, Kentucky with a BIN of $3,499

You may note that the eBay listing is mistakenly labeled as a 600. If you’re looking for the bigger brother, have no fear – this dealership says they’ll also have the 600 in stock soon. You can find with a BIN of $5,899