Guess That Bike – Unknown Minibike Edition

In Guess That Bike by AbhiLeave a Comment

Reader Beryl B reached out to me with a Guess That Bike conundrum that I did not know the answer to. Can you do better than I did?

In Beryl’s words: “My Dad owns this little bike. He bought it in a lot with a Cushman 53A, and two Tote Goats. We can’t find any name or markings other than the numbers 69641 on the neck of the frame.

The motor had a serial number, I suspect it is a Craftsman. There is a placard on the gas tank that identifies the bike as property of the USDA – Forestry Service. The speedometer is marked A. Rolle Milano. The grips are marked Grantourismo EX Rally.

He is planning to sell it, but I really want to keep it. I’m hesitant to take it without knowing what I’m getting in to.

Can you help Beryl out and make her day? Here are the pictures she sent me, you can click any of them to enlarge: